Monday, April 13, 2009

INSURANCE COMPANY DISPUTES - "They are not paying or are delaying?!"

One of the top reasons insurance companies drive claimants to attorneys in car accident cases is that they enter into a dispute regarding the amount of collision damage to the car or the total loss value of their vehicle. Unfortunately, one of the first concerns of an injured person: “What about the damage to my vehicle?” Other concerns are “Who is going to pay for the damage to my vehicle?” and “What about a rental car?”

Many times insurance adjusters that deal only with property damage claims are more interested in trying to save a few dollars for his company than making the claimant happy and pay for the damage in a timely manner or give a fair retail actual cash value (ACV) of the totaled car or truck.

NOTE: Most personal injury law firms and personal injury attorneys shy away from handling property damage issues when representing a client for a personal injury; even when that is the very issue that drove them to seek out an attorney in the first place. At the TRIPP LAW FIRM we believe that it is our responsibly to assist you in settling your property damage claim(s) as well as handling your personal injury claim. We DO NOT take an attorney fee on any property damage settlement or the loss of use settlement. If you are one of our clients, we will also attempt to set up a direct bill with the insurance company for your rental. By setting up a direct bill, you will not have to WAIT to be reimbursed by the insurance company.

Regardless of fault, we recommend that you allow both the at fault person’s insurance company appraise the damage and your own insurance company appraise the damage to your car (if you carry collision coverage). This way you get the professional opinion of two (2) appraisers as to the scope of damage to your car. In addition, we also recommend that the best way to avoid problems on the actual repairs is to make sure you take your vehicle to a reputable body shop. Most major insurance carriers (AMICA, Auto Club South, State Farm, Liberty Mutual, GEICO, Allstate, Nationwide, Progressive, USAA, etc.) have what they term as “approved shops.” These shops generally guarantee their work and can usually be relied upon to do the work properly to the client’s satisfaction.

REMEMBER - Should your vehicle be declared a “total loss,” the TRIPP LAW FIRM will assist you in settling your total loss claim with the insurance company as well as the required total loss paperwork. We DO NOT take an attorney fee on obtaining a settlement of the total loss of your vehicle or obtaining a loss of use claim settlement with the insurance adjuster.

Sometimes when problems arise that cannot be solved, we suggest that a Consumer Complaint form be completed and submitted to the Florida Department of Insurance with a copy to the insurance company’s claim manager.

When insurance companies delay, deny our use unfair claims practices, we must also consider also filing a complaint with the Department of Insurance under Florida Statute, 624.155. In the majority of cases, insurance carriers will immediately remedy the problem reported to the Florida Department of Insurance.

At the TRIPP LAW FIRM, we believe that it is our responsibly to assist you in all aspects of your case. By assisting you in these areas, we thereby demonstrate to you and your family that you have chosen the right law firm. Call us today at (888) 392-LAWS (5297) for an immediate telephone consultation.

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