Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Accident ♦ GOLF CARTS ♦ Davis Islands ♦ City of Tampa ♦ Davis Blvd. ♦ Tampa General Hospital

HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY - The Civic Association of Davis Islands will be asking the City of Tampa to make golf carts are street legal. Ironically, the islands do not have a golf course on them. Some residents believe that they should be able to drive golf carts in their community on Davis Islands. However, some disagree and have a concern that mixing golf carts with a high volume of auto truck traffic could be a recipe for disaster. Be that as it may, city leaders will soon decide whether to give the green light golf carts on the island.

Florida law does allow municipalities to designate areas where local roads are open to golf carts. Currently, a golf cart drivers must be at least 14 years old. A street legal cart, it must have safety equipment such as turn lights and seatbelts.

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