Tuesday, November 9, 2010

HIP FRACTURE | Slip and Fall | 888-392-LAWS (5297) Free Confidential Case Evaluation

A recent study finds a certain type of hip replacement surgery may place patients at a higher risk of complications. The study, which looked at anterior total hip arthroplasty on a fracture table, was authored by Dr. Jewett and Dr. Collis of the Slocum Orthopedic Center.

The anterior approach for total hip replacement is a surgical approach to the hip that has been used for over thirty years for total hip replacement in Europe and more recently in the United States. The purported advantage of the surgery is that it provides a truly “minimally invasive” way to perform the hip replacement. No muscle is cut with the operation, providing a very stable hip with minimal damage to the soft-tissues of the hip. There are no bending or positional precautions after the surgery. The procedure utilizes a special table called a “fracture table” to perform the operation. It allows the surgeon to position the leg during the operation and helps to expose both the socket and the femur.

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