Friday, November 13, 2009

Maclaren knew of stroller defect for 5 years - Could face MILLION DOLLAR FINE

According to the New York Post, "Maclaren knew for at least five years that its strollers could lop off a child's finger, but did nothing about the dangerous defect until federal regulators all but forced it to, The Post has learned."

Despite recently issuing a recall, Maclaren "failed to notify the Consumer Products Safety Commission when it first became aware of even a 'potential danger,'" and could "face a fine of $1 MILLION DOLLARS or more, sources said."

Robert Moro, an engineer and former compliance officer with the CPSC, "testified in 2007 that 'this stroller contains a substantial design defect when compared to other types of designs of strollers intended to be used by children.' The way the stroller was designed and manufactured in China violated federal guidelines intended to prevent a gruesome 'scissoring effect,' Moro said."

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